Author: admin

  • Toothache in Children and Treatment Methods

    Toothache in Children and Treatment Methods Tooth decay is the most common cause of toothache in children. Problems with the gums and enamel are also among the leading causes of this situation. It is crucial to consider your child’s discomfort and see a specialized dentist to protect your child’s oral and dental health. Tooth decay […]

  • Dental Implant

    Dental Implant

    Dental Implant Dental implants are an extremely successful and widely used treatment method to treat missing teeth. During implant treatment, special titanium screws are inserted into the jawbone. Prosthetic teeth are attached to these screws. The main reason for the popularity of dental implants is that the neighboring teeth are not damaged during the treatment. […]

  • Lamina Veneer Porcelain

    Lamina Veneer Porcelain

    Lamina Veneer Porcelain Lamina veneer is a dental treatment known as leaf porcelain and porcelain veneer. Lamina dental veneer is used to eliminate many ailments such as stains on the tooth surface, differences in tone, darkening and color changes due to fillings, tooth fractures, and cracks. Lamina veneer porcelain is an advantageous procedure compared to […]

  • Orthodontic Treatment

    Orthodontic Treatment

    Orthodontic Treatment Orthodontic treatment (or braces) corrects uneven, crooked, and split teeth and gives the person a healthier and more beautiful smile. Today, orthodontic treatment is performed using various methods. While it was once thought that orthodontic treatment could only be performed at a young age, thanks to evolving dental technology, adults also benefit from […]

  • Transparent Aligner

    Transparent Aligner

    Transparent Aligner Transparent aligners are orthodontic procedures without wires. It is an innovative and aesthetic treatment designed for people who are unhappy with the appearance of their teeth but do not want to have braces treatment. Transparent aligners, which have many advantages over traditional braces treatments, have become increasingly popular in recent years.Who Are Suitable […]

  • Wisdom Teeth (Third Molars)

    Wisdom Teeth (Third Molars)

    Wisdom Teeth Wisdom teeth are the molars located in the very back of the jaw. The wisdom teeth, the last adult teeth to erupt, do not pose a problem if they erupt in the correct anatomical position. However, some people may be unable to adapt to the jaw structure. In this case, these teeth should […]