Wisdom teeth are the molars located in the very back of the jaw. The wisdom teeth, the last adult teeth to erupt, do not pose a problem if they erupt in the correct anatomical position. However, some people may be unable to adapt to the jaw structure. In this case, these teeth should be extracted through a surgical procedure after a specialist dental examination.
Signs That You Need to Have Your Wisdom Teeth Extracted
Not all wisdom teeth that erupt in adulthood need to be removed. If the wisdom teeth do not cause damage to adjacent teeth or jaw bones and do not affect the person’s oral health, surgery is unnecessary.
However, if the wisdom teeth remain or affect the patient’s oral health, they must be extracted. Symptoms that indicate this condition are:
Edema and swelling in the area where the wisdom teeth come out,
– Tooth and gum pain,
– Abscess,
– Bleeding and tenderness of the gums,
– Pain in the area where the wisdom teeth are located or in the jaw,
– Foul breath,
– Bad taste in the mouth,
– Ear pain,
– Headache,
– Pain when chewing
Among the symptoms experienced by patients with problematic wisdom teeth, the most common are moderate or severe toothache and abscesses. Individuals between the ages of 17 and 25 who experience these symptoms should consult a specialized dentist.
Impacted Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth can sometimes be impacted in the gums. When new teeth erupt, they usually penetrate the surrounding bone tissue first and then the gum tissue. Some teeth may not penetrate one or both tissues for various reasons. Teeth that are below the tissue are impacted teeth.
Impacted teeth often cause infection. As this infection progresses, swelling occurs in the facial area, and the patient may even have difficulty opening his/her jaw. Untreated infected impacted teeth can cause the jawbone to fuse. Therefore, this should not be ignored.
After intraoral examination, x-rays are usually required to detect impacted wisdom teeth. With the help of the dental images taken, the bones and angles of the affected teeth can be seen, and the examination is performed.
Wisdom Tooth Extraction
Surgical tooth extraction is performed under local anesthesia. A specialized dentist performs this procedure in a sterile and well-equipped dental clinic or hospital. The teeth to be extracted must be healthy; otherwise, the necessary treatment should be performed first, and then the tooth extraction should be performed.
Wisdom teeth that erupt at a correct angle and are not impacted or semi-impacted can also compress adjacent teeth, which can cause problems such as crowding, tooth spasms, or tooth decay. In this case, these teeth can be easily extracted.
Surgical Extraction of Wisdom Teeth
Wisdom teeth that are fully or partially impacted into the gums cannot be extracted using the standard tooth extraction method. X-rays are used to decide which type of procedure to use. Extraction of an impacted tooth is a surgical procedure and falls within the scope of oral and maxillofacial surgery.
If the tooth is completely embedded in the gum, it is not easy to extract it as a whole. In such cases, the tooth is divided into several parts and removed this way. Another and most commonly used method is wisdom tooth extraction through an incision on the gum. After the tooth extraction, the surgical area is cleaned, and the treatment is finished by suturing the incision. Surgical tooth extraction is performed under local anesthesia.
After the procedure, the patient can resume his/her daily life, provided s/he does not eat or drink anything for a few hours. For problems such as pain and swelling that may occur after the procedure, medications prescribed by the dentist should be taken.