OPC Klinik

Oral and Dental Health

Dental Implant

Dental implants are an extremely successful and widely used treatment method to treat missing teeth. During implant treatment, special titanium screws are inserted into the jawbone. Prosthetic teeth are attached to these screws. The main reason for the popularity of dental implants is that the neighboring teeth are not damaged during the treatment.

All patients older than 18 years and physically healthy are eligible for implant treatment. There is no upper age limit for the treatment. To find out if your jaw structure is suitable for implant treatment, you should consult a specialist dentist. During the initial examination, a detailed X-ray will be taken, your jaw structure will be analyzed, and it will be determined whether you are suitable for implant treatment.

If you have a medical condition that affects your overall health, a detailed examination should be performed before dental implant treatment. Dental implant treatment poses risks for diabetics or patients taking blood thinners. First, the general health of these patients is examined, and they are asked to stop taking certain medications during treatment. Patients with osteoporosis may also receive dental implants after treatment.

Implant treatment is usually performed under local anesthesia or sedation. If a tooth or several teeth need to be extracted before treatment begins, they are removed. The next step is to make an incision on the gum of the bone where the implant will be placed. Since the screws to be inserted act as the root of the tooth, they must be placed in the bone. At this stage, a bone-specific tool is used to create a socket in the bone, into which titanium screws are then carefully inserted. Finally, the area is sutured, and the surgery is completed.

Some waiting time is required for the implant screws to fuse with the bone and jaw structure fully. Depending on the condition of the jawbone and the additional procedures performed, this period averages 2-6 months. During this time, your dentist will monitor your condition through regular examinations.

After ensuring that the implants have fused with the bone, the second phase of dental implant treatment is initiated. In this phase, a separate procedure may be required to place the abutments on which the dentures will be attached. A new incision is made in the gums to attach the metal pieces to shape the gums, and about a week is waited for the area to heal. Then the final step of the treatment begins, the placement of the artificial teeth onto the implants, and the dental implant treatment is complete. The artificial teeth placed at this stage are made specifically for the jaw dimensions of each patient. The patient and dentist evaluate the options of removable and fixed prostheses and choose the one that is best for the patient.

Although a standard implant treatment takes about three months, this period may be longer depending on factors such as the patient’s overall dental health, the number of teeth to be implanted, the condition of the jawbone, and additional bone augmentation procedures.
Is Implant Treatment Painful?

Since the area to be treated is anesthetized before dental implant treatment, it is not a painful treatment method. You may experience mild or moderate pain for up to a week after the procedure. The medications prescribed by your dentist will help you easily tolerate this pain. Since temporary teeth are placed on the implants until permanent dentures are placed, patients can continue their daily lives without any problems after the treatment. They do not have problems with eating, drinking, and speaking that affect everyday life.

After the treatment, you must pay more attention to your oral and dental care than ever before. You should routinely brush your teeth thoroughly at least twice a day, gargle with mouthwash, and floss daily. In addition to personal oral hygiene, it is advisable to pay attention to your diet. It is essential to stay away from icy and very hot foods and to give up harmful habits such as smoking and alcohol.

If any complications occur after dental implant treatment, contact your dentist immediately.