

Composite Filling:

Composite fillings are tooth-colored and provide an aesthetically natural appearance. They can be applied to all teeth, including front teeth and back teeth. They can be completed in one session and are placed on the tooth after the decay has been removed. Composite materials are light-cured so they are immediately usable. They are delicate materials and can cause recurrence of decay if not applied well. They are carefully applied and made to fit the tooth exactly.

Ceramic Filling:

Ceramic fillings are made of high quality porcelain material. They are produced in the laboratory by taking a digital impression and then placed in the tooth. It has a high aesthetic appearance and is durable and long-lasting. It is generally preferred for large cavities or cases with high aesthetic importance.

Amalgam Filling:

Amalgam fillings are a mixture of silver, mercury, copper and tin. They are durable, but not aesthetically preferred. Since it may carry health risks due to its mercury content and requires excessive abrasion of the tooth tissue, amalgam fillings are not applied in our clinic.

What is Tooth Decay and How Does It Occur?

Diş çürüğü, diş yüzeyindeki bakterilerin şeker ve karbonhidratlarla beslenip asit üretmesi sonucunda diş minesinin zarar görmesiyle oluşur. Bu asitler, diş minesini aşındırarak çürüklerin oluşmasına yol açar. Özellikle Streptococcus mutans gibi bakteriler bu süreçte önemli rol oynar. Çürük, tedavi edilmezse ilerler ve dişin daha derin katmanlarına yayılır. Çürüklerin ilerlemesini durdurmak için çürük temizlenip yerine diş dokusunu taklit eden malzemeler kullanılarak dolgu yapılır.

Layers of the Tooth and Stages of Decay:

The outermost layer of the tooth. The decay is initially at the enamel level and usually does not cause pain. If detected during routine check-ups, it can be treated with very little loss of tooth tissue.

The softer layer under the enamel. When the decay reaches the dentin, sensitivity to hot, cold and sweet foods occurs.

The innermost part of the tooth, containing nerves and blood vessels. When the decay reaches the pulp layer, it causes severe pain and only filling is not enough; root canal treatment is necessary.

Things to Consider After Filling Procedure

Pain and Sensitivity:
Mild pain and tenderness after the procedure is normal. This will disappear in a few days.

Mouth Hygiene:
Brush your teeth regularly and use dental floss (regular brushing and flossing is recommended.) Pay attention to oral hygiene for the longevity of the fillings.

Checkup Appointments:
Keep track of the condition of your fillings with regular dental check-ups (this will prolong the life of the fillings).

When Should Old Fillings Be Replaced?

When old fillings need to be replaced depends on the material of the filling, the way it was placed and the duration of use. If your filling is cracked, broken, leaking or worn, it may need to be replaced. Also, if decay has formed around your filling or if your tooth shows sensitivity and pain, your filling needs to be replaced.

How Should Fillers Be Cared for?

Good oral hygiene is essential for the longevity of fillings. Brush and floss your teeth regularly. Avoid acidic and sugary foods and have regular dental check-ups to monitor the condition of your fillings. Also, be careful when chewing hard foods and avoid biting nails with your teeth

Make an Appointment

Dental filling treatment is an important step for a healthy and aesthetic smile. Please click here to make an appointment and for more information. Contact us for healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.


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