What Causes Tooth Sensitivity?

Causes and Treatment Methods for Tooth Sensitivity

Tooth sensitivity has become an increasing oral and dental health problem. What is tooth sensitivity? When you consume hot or cold food and drinks, your teeth ache. This is defined as tooth sensitivity.

Your teeth may ache or hurt sometimes during eating and drinking, and sometimes just out of the blue. This is among the most obvious indicators of tooth sensitivity. Toothache is usually a sign of tooth decay. But the pain you feel in the tooth is sometimes caused by gum disease and sometimes by sensitivity.

The feeling of aching in the teeth is usually caused by the tooth enamel not being strong enough. In fact, the enamel layer that forms the outer surface of the tooth has an extremely durable structure. Over time, tooth enamel may lose its former strength due to various health problems, bacteria in the mouth and various reasons.

When the enamel is not durable enough, caries may not always occur. However, you may experience a tingling sensation while eating. When you consume sugary foods, you may feel that the aching in your teeth increases.

Sometimes you may experience tooth sensitivity due to bad toothpaste or improper oral care. The important thing is to get advice from experts in dental care and to do the right practice.

When it comes to oral and dental care, you should not listen to everyone’s advice. You should not accept every information you see on the internet as true and consult your dentist first. You can make more accurate oral and dental care by going to your dentist regularly.

You can now make an appointment with OPC Clinic dentists and have your tooth sensitivity treatment.

What is Tooth Sensitivity?

Teeth consist of 3 layers. The first of these is the enamel layer at the top, the second is the dentin in the middle and the third is the pulp where the nerve tissues are located. When the top two layers are damaged, tooth sensitivity can become inevitable. The two separate protective layers on the pulp can lose their protection due to damage.

Sensitive teeth can often look normal from the outside. However, due to cracks in the tooth, the sensation of hot and cold from the outside causes tingling in the nerves. To cope with this situation, you should not neglect to consult a dentist and get the necessary treatment. In addition, there are also measures you can take against tooth sensitivity on your own.

You can use toothpastes that are suitable for your dental health, do not have high chemical content and help protect your tooth structure. You can prevent the progression of sensitivity by brushing your teeth twice a day.

Some toothpastes with high whitening properties can cause abrasion on the teeth. For this reason, you can choose the toothpaste recommended by your dentist. You should not neglect your basic care to minimize the cracks and prevent them from turning into caries.

In some cases, tooth sensitivity may manifest itself in the form of aching caused by decay. Sensitivity, especially when you eat sweets, may be a sign of decay. In addition, sour and acidic foods can also cause teeth to ache.

Alcohol and smoking is another reason that increases tooth sensitivity. Avoiding these will help you strengthen healthy tooth structure. Taking enough calcium and not neglecting to use dental floss can help you prevent sensitivity problems.

Causes and Risk Factors of Tooth Sensitivity

Amongthe causes of tooth sensitivity are poor diet and poor oral care. In addition to some of the bad habits mentioned above, you may also experience aching teeth for the following reasons.

Why does tooth sensitivity occur?

  • Not brushing your teeth properly,
  • Insufficient cleaning of the inside of the cheeks, palate and tongue,
  • Consumption of acidic drinks,
  • Eating sticky sugary foods such as jelly beans,
  • Not brushing your teeth in the evening before going to bed,
  • Failure to floss,
  • Not getting enough calcium,
  • Some chronic conditions can cause tooth sensitivity due to a decrease in the strength of bone tissue and teeth.

In addition, teeth grinding and clenching the teeth while sleeping at night or during the day without realizing it can cause sensitivity. You should not just call it tooth sensitivity, you should take all kinds of problems with your teeth seriously. In this way, you can prevent tooth loss in the future.

With a more balanced diet and more conscious oral hygiene, you can greatly reduce the dental problems you experience. You can easily get the professional support you need by choosing a reliable oral and dental health clinic.

Tooth Sensitivity Treatment Methods

Beforetreating tooth sensitivity, it is necessary to identify the condition that causes sensitivity and the problem. For example, if you have sensitivity problems because you clench your teeth, you can get rid of this problem by having a night plate made.

Sensitivity may occur in your teeth because you do not perform adequate oral care, you can reduce tooth aching by deep cleaning. You can prevent tooth aching by avoiding very cold and very hot foods.

Even if you can’t brush your teeth after eating fruits and sweet foods, you can rinse your mouth to prevent food acids from damaging your teeth. Treating sensitive teeth may require a different treatment for everyone. This is because health status, eating habits and immunity levels are different.

Together with your dentist, you can plan supportive treatment methods that can be done to strengthen the teeth and reduce aching. If there is a sensitivity caused by caries, the discomfort you are experiencing can be largely eliminated as a result of filling and root canal treatment applications. When it comes to oral and dental problems, the sooner you get help, the sooner you will be relieved.

For example, foods that you cannot chew properly due to dental problems can make the grinding process difficult in your stomach. This can lead to stomach disorders. So you should get rid of sensitivity as soon as possible for proper chewing with healthy teeth.

How Does Tooth Sensitivity Pain Go Away?

Tooth sensitivity pain is relieved by first identifying the problem and eliminating it. For this, you can get treatment and supplementary support for sensitivity by choosing dentists who are experts in their field. Possible solutions forthe treatment of sensitive toothache may be as follows:

  • You should brush your teeth twice a day.
  • You should avoid foods and drinks that increase tooth sensitivity (cola, soda, fruit juice, jelly beans, biscuits, Turkish delight, etc.).
  • You should avoid brushing your teeth with substances such as baking soda and tooth whitening powder.
  • You should stay away from teeth whitening products that are not recommended by a doctor or that you are not sure of their safety.
  • During the treatment process, you should regularly use the medications recommended by your doctor.

Some products that you think will be good for your teeth may cause more damage to them. For this reason, you can choose the brands recommended by dentists for teeth whitening and cleaning products.

Baking soda and whitening powders damage the layer on the teeth as they rub against the teeth. Therefore, you should take care to prefer cleaners in the form of paste and mouthwash.

Tips to Prevent Tooth Sensitivity

The most effective wayto prevent tooth sensitivity is to avoid practices that damage your teeth. Body health is a whole and avoiding things that are not normally good for your health automatically helps to protect your dental health.

Consuming foods that strengthen muscle and bone tissue can be considered the first step to maintaining healthy dentition. Avoiding processed foods, brushing teeth after eating, and taking care to clean every part of the mouth help to maintain healthy dentition.

Another method ofprotection against sensitive teeth is to choose a paste suitable for your tooth structure. Your dentist can also advise you on the foods and beverages you should avoid as they can increase sensitivity. When you follow these recommendations, you may notice that your complaints are greatly reduced.

For more information about tooth sensitivity treatment and to make an appointment, contact OPC Clinic now!


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