
Smile Design

Smile Design Applications

Smile design is not just about white and straight teeth. The aim is to create a smile that best suits the person’s face, oral structure and personal preferences. An aesthetic smile increases self-confidence and improves overall appearance.

Smile Design Process

Cosmetic Consultation:
This is your opportunity to meet our team. In this relaxed and informative appointment, we will listen to your concerns, evaluate your problems, present treatment options, answer your questions and design your new smile.

Computer Imaging:
We design your smile with the latest computer imaging technology. A digital photograph is taken and manipulated on screen using a special graphics program. As the design evolves, your direct feedback allows us to create and refine the image of your ideal smile.

Treatment Plan:
Once we have designed your smile, we will provide you with a treatment plan. This plan includes your imaging image along with a full and detailed breakdown of the costs involved. Our treatment plans are valid for six months from the date of consultation.

Philosophy in Smile Design: Respect for Healthy Tissues

Our basic philosophy in smile design is to choose what is healthy behind our perception of beauty. We follow this philosophy in our clinic. Healthy teeth and gums are the basis of aesthetic appearance.

Bright, white and healthy looking teeth and pink and healthy gums with no signs of infection provide excellent results both aesthetically and functionally. Therefore, our priority in our treatment plans is always to respect and protect healthy tissues.

Details of Smile Design: More than a Smile

A unique and personalized smile design is much more than just having straight and white teeth. The following methods are used to achieve correct proportions and aesthetically pleasing smiles:

  • Horizontal alignment of the teeth at eye level.
  • Creating a symmetrical smile that is compatible with the center of the face.
  • Creating a harmonious curve of the upper teeth with the lower lip.
  • Harmonizing the gum line with the upper lip line.
  • Defining the tips of the teeth.
  • Balancing the length and width ratios of the teeth.

Smile design does not mean veneers or laminates. Yes, these applications are methods that we use very often, but sometimes a bonding application in a single session may be enough for you. Every smile is personalized and we are here to find the most suitable solution for your needs.

Techniques Used in Smile Design

Tooth Whitening:

It makes teeth look whiter and brighter. The whitening process is professionally applied and lightens the natural color of the teeth by several shades. It is usually completed in one session and gives immediate results.

Transparent Plaques:

Dişlerin hizalanması ve düzeltilmesi için kullanılır. Şeffaf plaklar, dişlerin üzerine takılan neredeyse görünmez apareylerdir. Bu yöntem, geleneksel diş tellerine estetik bir alternatif sunar ve dişlerin düzgün bir şekilde hizalanmasını sağlar. Tedavi süresi kişiden kişiye değişir, ancak genellikle birkaç ay ile bir yıl arasında tamamlanır.


It is a method that can be applied in a single session and improves the appearance of the teeth. Bonding is the use of composite resin material to correct minor imperfections of the teeth. This method quickly and effectively corrects broken, cracked or discolored teeth. The application time is short and the results are immediate.


They are thin porcelain layers bonded to the front surface of the teeth. They provide excellent aesthetic results. Lamina veneers are used to correct the color, shape and size of teeth. This method is carried out with minimal abrasion of natural teeth and offers an extremely natural appearance.


They are restorations made with porcelain or zirconium materials that cover the entire teeth. Veneers are used to correct serious structural problems in teeth and offer long-lasting aesthetic solutions. Veneers increase the durability of teeth and provide aesthetically perfect results.

Book Your Appointment

Please click here for more information about Smile Design Applications and other Treatment options and to make an appointment.


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