
Gingival Aesthetics

Gingival Aesthetics

A beautiful smile is not only possible with white and straight teeth, but also with healthy and aesthetic looking gums. In an ideal smile, the visibility of the gums should be minimal. Gingival aesthetics play an important role in improving the appearance of the teeth and overall oral health. In individuals with highly visible gums, well-aligned and aesthetic teeth alone can sometimes be sufficient and gingival operations may not be needed.

Ideal Gingival Visibility

In an ideal smile, the upper gum line should be visible about 1-2 mm when you smile. If the gums are more visible, this can be considered an aesthetic problem. Individuals can take steps for smile aesthetics by evaluating gingival visibility.

Gingivectomy and Gingivoplasty

Gingivectomy (Gingival Cutting Procedure):
This is the removal of part of the gum tissue. This procedure is performed to treat gum diseases or to improve aesthetic appearance.

Gingivectomy makes the teeth appear larger and increases the gum-to-tooth ratio in favor of the teeth. During gingivectomy, the dentist removes excess gum tissue and reshapes the gums under local anesthesia. This procedure improves oral health by reducing gingival pockets and making teeth more visible.

The procedure is not painful and is performed under anesthesia. Mild soreness is felt for a few days after the procedure and completely heals within a week.

It is the process of shaping the gum tissue. Gingivoplasty gives the gums a natural and aesthetic appearance. It is done to correct gingival contours and make teeth appear longer. This procedure is especially preferred for individuals who have a “gummy smile”, which is known as “gummy smile”, where excess gums are visible when smiling.

Gingival Botox

Gingival botox is a method used to prevent the gums from appearing too much. By targeting the lip muscles with botulinum toxin injections, it is possible to control the gum level and improve smile aesthetics. This procedure provides a more aesthetic appearance by preventing the gums from appearing too much during the smile. Despite the name, Botox injections are administered to the lip muscles, not the gums.

Jaw Surgery in Advanced Conditions

In more severe cases, jaw surgeries may be required to improve gum and jaw alignment. These surgeries are performed in advanced stages of gum disease or serious aesthetic problems. Jaw surgeries include procedures to reshape or reposition the jawbone.

Guide to Gingival Aesthetics

Gingival Visibility Assessment:

Examine how visible your gums are when you smile. Ideally, 1-2 mm of gum should be visible.

Contours of Teeth and Gums:

Check the alignment of your teeth and the contours of your gums. Even and smooth contours are aesthetically important.

Gingival Color and Health:

The color of your gums should be a healthy pink. If there is redness or swelling, it may be a sign of gum disease.

Smile Line:

Evaluate how your teeth and gums align with your smile.

Book Your Appointment

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Contact us for a healthy and aesthetic smile.


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