Pediatric Dental

Pediatric Dental Treatments

Children’s dental health has a significant impact on their overall health and quality of life.

Tooth decay, infections and other oral problems can negatively affect children’s daily lives and hinder their healthy development. The dental treatments we offer at our clinic are designed to prevent these problems and solve existing ones.

Here are the main dental treatments offered at our clinic:

1. Filling

What is Filling and Why Is It Done?

A filling is a treatment used to repair decayed or damaged teeth. Tooth decay occurs when bacteria attack the tooth enamel and, if left untreated, can spread to deeper layers of the tooth.

Filling treatment helps to maintain the structure of the tooth by removing this decay.

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Composite fillings have an aesthetic and natural appearance and are made in tooth color. These fillings, which are the most suitable option for children, allow decay to be treated without spoiling the appearance of the teeth. The dentist places the filling material in the tooth after the decayed tissue is cleaned. This procedure is usually painless and offers a comfortable treatment process for children.

2. Milk Tooth Root Canal Treatment and Amputation

Milk Tooth Root Canal Treatment

Milk teeth play an important role in a child’s oral health. Damage to decayed or infected deciduous teeth can affect the development of permanent teeth. Milk tooth root canal treatment is the process of removing infected or damaged tissue inside the tooth and cleaning the tooth. This treatment prevents the loss of the tooth due to infection and ensures the healthy eruption of permanent teeth.


Amputation is a method of removing part of the deciduous tooth pulp. This procedure can be thought of as half a root canal treatment and treats the infection in the root canals of the tooth while preserving the rest of the tooth. If the bacteria have not invaded the entire root canal, only the infected pulp tissue is removed, preserving the healthy part of the tooth. Amputation allows the tooth to resume its natural function and allows the child to chew comfortably.

Why Should We Treat Milk Teeth?

Milk teeth are critical for the proper development of a child’s oral structure. These teeth affect a child’s chewing, speech and general eating habits. Recurrent infections can negatively affect a child’s overall health and weaken the immune system. In addition, the spread of infections can lead to damage to permanent teeth and deterioration of the oral structure.

3. Tooth Extraction and Placeholders

Extraction of Milk Teeth

In some cases, milk teeth may need to be extracted because they do not fall out on time or because of severe decay and infection. Tooth extraction is performed when the tooth threatens the health of other teeth. It is important to preserve the space of the extracted tooth to prevent future tooth alignment problems.


In case of early loss of deciduous teeth, space maintainers are used so that permanent teeth can erupt in the right place. Space maintainers ensure that the teeth erupt in the correct position and prevent future orthodontic problems.

4. Stainless Steel Crowns

What Are Stainless Steel Crowns and When Are They Used?

Stainless steel crowns are a type of crown usually used for baby teeth in children. They are especially preferred in cases of large cavities or when the tooth is structurally weakened. By covering the tooth, these crowns protect the chewing function of the tooth and prevent premature loss of the tooth.

How to Apply?

After cleaning the decayed or damaged tooth, the dentist places a stainless steel crown over the tooth. The crown completely covers the tooth and helps the tooth to maintain its natural function. Such crowns offer a durable and effective solution, especially in children, until it is time for the tooth to fall out naturally.


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